Vote for The Presidents and Win Rewards

Game of Presidents
2 min readOct 24, 2020


How Game of Presidents Works

On, there is a new round of election every 3 days.

There are 5 president pools at this moment, you can cast your vote to anyone. And when an election ends, 3 pools win reward:

The highest candidate receives 20% reward.

Then, the middle candidate receives 30% reward.

The lowest candidate receives 50% reward.

For Example

1 $GOP = 1 vote

If the total reward is 300,000 $GOP

And the votes of each pool:

Trump pool: 1,500,000 votes — — reward: 60,000 $GOP(20%)

Xi pool: 800,000 votes — — reward: 0

Putin pool: 500,000 votes — — reward: 90,000 $GOP(30%)

Johnson pool: 150,000 votes — — reward: 0

Merkel pool: 50,000 votes — — reward: 150,000 $GOP(50%)

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

The reward will be distributed to the voters proportionally:

each vote for Trump wins 0.04 $GOP

each vote for Xi wins 0

each vote for Putin wins 0.18 $GOP

each vote for Johnson wins 0

each vote for Merkel wins 3 $GOP

Where is The Reward from

  1. Everytime someone sells $GOP or transfers to another address, they pay a fee according to the Impeachment Curve. 50% are burned, 50% go to the Reward Pool.
  2. Once every 3 days, 8% of the $GOP tokens residing in our Uniswap pool (the unlocked part) are drained. 50% are burned, 50% go to the Reward Pool.

Key Rules

  1. Voting is a good thing, so the I Curve don’t punish the voters. When you vote or collect reward in the end of an election, there is no penalty! But if you withdraw your vote before an election ends, you will pay a fee according to the I Curve.
  2. If your address is among top 50 holders of $GOP, you are eligible to vote.
  3. A new president will be added every week until there are 9.
  4. If there are an even number of presidents, then the lower-middle candidate is considered the middle candidate.

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